Pink Yachts

Privacy Policy

What kind of personal data does collect?

We can’t help you book the perfect Trip without information, so when you use our services there are certain pieces of information we ask for. This is basic stuff – your name, preferred contact details, the names of anybody Tripling with you, and your payment information. You may decide for yourself to submit special requests for your upcoming Trip (for example, certain preferences). In addition to this, we also collect information from your computer, phone, tablet, or other devices you are using to access our services. This includes the IP address, the browser you use, and your language settings. There are also situations in which we receive information about you from others or automatically collect other information.

Why does collect and use your data?

The main reason we ask you for personal details is a pretty good one – it’s to help administer your online Trip Reservations and ensure you get the best service possible. We also use your data to contact you and to inform you of the latest deals and special offers and other products or services which we believe may be of interest to you.

How does share your data with third parties?

There are different parties integrated into the services in various ways and for various reasons. The primary purpose is to share your data relevant for your Trip with the Trip Provider to complete your Trip Reservation. Other parties can receive some of your data, which are parties we involve providing you with the services. This includes for example – financial institutions, advertisers, subsidiaries of the corporate family, and other affiliates of the pink yachts. corporate family or in some cases, if we are required by applicable law, governmental or other authorities. We do not sell or rent your data.

How is your data shared within the pink yacht’s corporate family? is part of the pink yachts. corporate family.

How does process communications that you and your booked Trip Provider may send to can help you and Trip Providers exchange information and requests about their services and existing Trip Reservations, directing communications through

How does make use of mobile devices?

We offer free apps through which we also collect and process personal data. This works in much the same way as our website, but they also allow you to use our location services.

How does make use of social media?

The use of social media services may be integrated with the services in various ways, which will involve us collecting some of your data or the social media provider receiving some of your information.

What security and retention procedures does put in place to safeguard your data?

We observe appropriate and adequate procedures to prevent unauthorized access to, and the misuse of, personal data that we process.

How does treat the personal data of children?

Unless indicated otherwise, is a service you are only allowed to use if you are over 18 years of age. We only process information about children with the consent of the parents or legal guardians or when the information is provided to us by the parents or legal guardian.

How can you check the personal data you have given to

You always have the right to review the personal data we keep about you. You can request an overview of your data by emailing us at the email address stated below. If you want to find out more about your rights to control your data, read here.

Who is responsible for the processing of personal data on the website and apps?, located in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, controls the processing of personal data on its websites and mobile apps.

What kind of personal data does collect?

OK, so you’re looking for a bit more info. Here’s a more in-depth look at the information we collect.

Personal data you give to us
  • com collects and uses information which you provide to us. When you make a Trip Reservation, you are (as a minimum) asked for your name, phone number, and email address. Depending on the Trip Reservation, we may also ask for your payment information, date of birth, the names of any guests with you, and any preferences (such as meal preferences and any mobility restrictions) you might have for your Trip.
  • If you need to get in touch with our customer service team or reach out to us through other means (such as through social media) we will collect information from you there too. People can also be asked to provide a review to help ensure future guests get exactly what they’re looking for. We will collect information from you included in your reviews, including your display name and avatar if you choose one.
  • There are also other instances where you’ll provide us with information. For example, if you’re browsing with your mobile device, you can decide to enable to see your current location or grant access to your contact details – this helps us provide you with the best possible service and experience. You can also open a user account, which allows you to save your settings, upload photos, review previous bookings or plan and manage future reservations or benefit from other features only available to account holders (such as incentives or other benefits we may offer).
Personal data you give us about others
  • Of course, you might not simply be making a Trip Reservation for yourself. You may be doing a Trip with other guests whose details you provide as part of the Trip Reservation, or you may make a Trip Reservation on behalf of someone else. In some cases, you can use to share information with others. This might take the form of forwarding a wish list or participating in referral programs, but such information may only be used as described in the offered interface – check the details there if you want to know more.
  • However, at this point, we have to point out that it’s your responsibility to ensure that the person or people you have provided personal data about are aware that you’ve done so and have understood and accepted how uses their information (as described in this Privacy Statement).
Personal data we collect automatically
  • Even if you don’t end up making a Trip Reservation (and when you do), when you visit our websites or apps, we automatically collect certain information. This includes your IP address, the date and time you accessed our services, the hardware, software, or internet browser you use, and information about your computer’s operating system, like application versions and your language settings. We also collect information about clicks and which pages have been shown to you.
  • If you are using a mobile device, we collect data that identifies your mobile device, device-specific settings, and characteristics, app crashes, and other system activity. When you make a Trip Reservation, our system registers through which means and from which websites you have made your reservation or entered the websites and/or apps.
Personal data we receive from other sources
  • It’s not just the things you tell us, though – we may also receive information about you from other sources. These include business partners, such as affiliate partners, subsidiaries of the corporate family, and other affiliates of Pink Yachts. corporate family and other independent third parties, and anything we get from them may be combined with information provided by you. For example, the reservation services are not only made available via and the pink yachts apps but are also integrated into the services of affiliate partners you can find online. When you use some of these, you provide the reservation details to our business partner, who then forwards your details to us. We also integrate third-party service providers to facilitate payment between bookers and Trip Providers. These service providers share payment information so we can administer and handle your Trip Reservation, making sure everything goes as smoothly as possible for you.
  • Trip Providers may share information about you with too – this may happen when disputes arise about a Trip Reservation (though naturally, we don’t like it when that happens).
Why does collect and use your data?
  • We use the information collected about you for various purposes. Your data may be used in the following ways:
  • Trip Reservations: First and foremost, we use your data to complete and administer your online Trip Reservation, which is central to what we do as a company! This includes sending you communications about your Trip Reservation such as confirmations, modifications, and reminders.
  • Customer service: We provide international customer service from our local offices, and we’re there to help 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Sharing your relevant details, such as reservation information or information about your user account with our global customer service staff allows us to respond when you need us – including helping you to find appropriate Trip and responding to any questions you might have about your Trip Reservation (or any other queries, for that matter).
  • Account facilities: users can create a user account on our websites or apps. We use the information you give us to administer this account, allowing you to do several useful things. You can manage your Trip Reservations, take advantage of special offers, make future Trip Reservations easily and manage your settings. Managing personal settings can allow you to keep and share lists, share photos, see previously searched Trip Services easily, and check other Trip-related information you have provided. It can also allow you to see any reviews you have submitted. If you want, you can share certain information in your user account by creating a public profile that’s associated with either your first name or a screen name of your choice.
  • Marketing activities: We use your information for marketing activities. These activities include:

Using your contact information to send you regular news of Trip-related products and services. You can unsubscribe from email marketing communications quickly, easily, and at any time – just click on the “Unsubscribe” link included in each newsletter or other communication.

  • Based on your information, individualized offers may be shown to you on the website, in mobile apps, or on third-party websites/apps (including social media sites) and the content of the site displayed to you may be personalized. There may be offers that you can book directly on the site, or on co-branded sites or other third-party offers or products we think you might find interesting.
  • Communicating with you: There may be other times when we get in touch, including by email, by post, by phone, or by texting you – which method we choose depends on the contact information you’ve previously shared with us. And we process the communications you send to us. There could be several reasons for this, including:
  • Responding to and handling any requests you have made.
  • If you have not finalized a Trip Reservation online, we can contact you with a reminder to continue with your reservation. We believe that this additional service benefits you as it allows you to carry on with a Trip Reservation without having to search for Trip Provider or fill in your reservation details again.
  • When you use our services, we can send you a questionnaire or invite you to provide a review of your experience with
  • We also send you other material related to your Trip Reservations, such as how to contact if you need assistance while you are away, and information that we feel might be useful to you in planning or getting the best out of your Trip. We may also send you material related to upcoming Trip Reservations or a summary of previous Trip Reservations you made through
  • Even if you do not have an upcoming Trip Reservation, we may need to send you other administrative messages, which may include security alerts.
  • Market research: We sometimes ask our customers to take part in market research.
  • Improving our services: We also use personal data for analytical purposes. This is part of our drive to improve our services and enhance the user experience, but can also be used for testing purposes, troubleshooting and to improve the functionality and quality of our online Trip services. The main goal here is to optimize and customize our online platform to your needs, making our site easier and more enjoyable to use. We strive to only use pseudonymized data for these analytical purposes.
  • Personal reviews and other destination-related information.
  • Call monitoring: When you make calls to our customer service team, uses an automated telephone number detection system to relate your telephone number to your existing reservations – this can help save time for both you and our customer support staff. Our customer service staff may still ask for authentication, which ensures that your reservation details are kept confidential. During calls with our customer service team, live listening may be done, or calls may be recorded for quality control and training purposes which includes the usage of the recordings for the handling of claims and fraud detection purposes. Not all calls are recorded, and recordings are kept for a limited amount of time and automatically deleted thereafter, unless has a legitimate interest to keep such recording for a longer period, including for fraud investigation and legal purposes.
  • Promotion of a safe and trustworthy service: To create a trustworthy environment for you, we may use personal data for the detection and prevention of fraud and other illegal or unwanted activities. Similarly, we may use personal data for risk assessment and security purposes, including the authentication of users and reservations. For such purposes, we may have to stop certain reservations or put them on hold reservations until we have finished our assessment.
  • Legal purposes: Finally, in certain cases, we may need to use your information to handle and resolve legal disputes, for regulatory investigations and compliance, to enforce the terms of use of the online reservation service, or to comply with lawful requests from law enforcement.
  • Providing your data to is voluntary. However, depending on the type of service you may want to use, we may only be able to provide you with this service if certain personal data is collected. For instance, we cannot process your Trip Reservation if we do not collect your name and contact details.
  • If we use automated means to process personal data which produces legal effects or significantly affects you, we will implement suitable measures to safeguard your rights and freedoms,including the right to obtain human intervention.
To process your data as described above, we rely on the following legal bases
  • com relies on the legal basis that the processing of the personal data is necessary for the performance of a contract, specifically to finalize and administer your Trip Reservation. If the required personal data is not provided, cannot finalize the Trip Reservation, nor can we provide customer relies on its legitimate commercial business interest to provide its services, to prevent fraud, and to improve its services. When using personal data to serve’s or a third party’s legitimate interest, will always balance your rights and interests in the protection of your data against’s rights and interests or those of the third party. relies also where applicable on compliance with legal obligations (such as lawful law enforcement requests). Where needed under applicable law, will obtain your consent before processing your data for direct marketing purposes.
  • If you wish to object to the processing and no opt-out mechanism is available to you directly (for example, in your account settings), to the extent applicable, please contact
How does share your data with third parties?
  • In certain circumstances, we’ll share your data with third parties.
  • The Trip Provider you booked: This one’s crucial for what we do! To complete your Trip Reservation, we transfer relevant reservation details to the Trip Provider you have booked. Depending on the Trip Reservation and the Trip Provider, this can include your name, contact details, payment details, the names of the guests with you, and any preferences or other information you specified when you made your Trip Reservation. If you have a query about your Trip, we may contact the Trip Provider and ask them to handle your request. Unless payment is made during the booking process via the website, we will forward your credit card details to the booked Trip Provider for further handling (assuming you’ve provided us with those details during your booking process). In cases of reservation-related disputes, we may provide the Trip Provider with information about the reservation process as needed to handle the dispute. This may include a copy of your reservation confirmation as proof that a Trip Reservation was made.
Third-party service providers

We use service providers, which are not part of the corporate family, to support us in providing the services. These service providers provide support services such as

  • customer support
  • market research
  • fraud detection and prevention services, including anti-fraud screening service.
Payment services

We use third parties to process payments, handle chargebacks or provide billing collection services. When a chargeback is requested for your Trip Reservation by either you or by the holder of the credit card used to make your reservation, we need to share certain reservation details with the payment service provider and the relevant financial institution to handle the chargeback. This may also include a copy of your reservation confirmation, or the IP address used to make your reservation. We may share information with relevant financial institutions if we consider it strictly necessary for fraud detection and prevention purposes.

All service providers are required to continue to adequately safeguard your data.

Competent authorities

We disclose personal data to law enforcement insofar as it is required by law or is strictly necessary for the prevention, detection, or prosecution of criminal acts and fraud or if we are otherwise legally obliged to do so. We may need to further disclose personal data to competent authorities to protect and defend our rights or properties, or the rights and properties of our business partners.

Business partners

We work with many business partners around the world. These business partners distribute or advertise the services, including the services and products of our Trip Providers.

When you make a reservation on one of our business partners’ websites or apps, certain personal data that you give them such as your name and email address, your address, payment details, and other relevant information, will be forwarded to us to finalize and administer your Trip Reservation. If customer service is provided by the business partner, will share details relevant to your reservation with the business partner when needed) to provide you with appropriate and efficient support. When you make a reservation through one of our business partner’s websites, the business partners can receive certain parts of your data related to the specific reservation such as your name and email address. This is for their internal purposes (such as analytical purposes) and if requested by you, for the administration of loyalty programs or marketing.

When you make a reservation on a business partners’ website, please also take the time to read their privacy notice if you wish to understand how these business partners may process your data. For fraud detection and prevention purposes and as strictly necessary, we may also exchange information about our users with business partners.

The transmission of personal data as described in this Privacy Statement may include overseas transfers of personal data to countries whose data protection laws are not as comprehensive, we shall only transfer personal data to recipients offering an adequate level of data protection. In these situations, as may be required, we make contractual arrangements to ensure that your data is still protected.

How does make use of mobile devices?

We offer free apps for a variety of mobile devices, as well as versions of our regular website that have been optimized for mobile and tablet browsing. These apps and mobile websites process the personal details you give us in much the same way as our website does – and they also allow you to use location services to find Trip Services nearby – if you want us to. With your consent, we may send you push notifications with information about your Trip Reservation. You may grant us access to your location data or contact details to provide services requested by you. When you upload a picture from your mobile device, your picture may also be tagged with your location information. Please read the instructions of your mobile device to understand how to change the settings and enable the sharing of such data or the receipt of push notifications.

We make use of something known as cross-device tracking to optimize our services and marketing activities. This may be done with or without the use of cookies. With cross-device tracking, can track user behavior across multiple devices. As part of cross-device tracking, may combine data collected from a particular browser or mobile device with another computer or device linked to the computer or device from which the data was collected.

To optimize the content of the newsletter, combines the searches and reservations made from different computers and devices. You can unsubscribe from the newsletter at any time.

How does make use of social media?
  • Log in with your social media account. We offer you the opportunity to sign in to a user account with your social media account, which saves you from having to remember different usernames and passwords for different online services. After you’ve signed in once, you’ll always be able to use your social media account to sign in to your account. You can decouple these accounts from each other at any time too.
  • Integration of social media plugins. We have also integrated social media plugins into the website and apps. This means that when you click on one of the buttons (such as Facebook’s ‘Like’ button) certain information is shared with these social media providers. If you are logged in to your social media account at the same time, your social media provider may relate this information to your social media account and possibly present your actions on your social media profile to be shared with others in your network.
  • Other social media services and features. We may integrate other social media services (like social media messaging) to interact with or with your contacts about our services. We may maintain social media accounts and offer apps on several social media sites. Whenever you connect with through social media, your social media service provider may allow you to share information with If you choose to share, you will generally be told by your social media provider which information will be shared. For example, when you log into a user account with your social media account, certain information (as authorized by you to your social media provider) may be shared with This might include your email address, age, or profile pictures saved in your user account.
  • When you register with a social media app or connect to a social media messaging service without having a user account, the information you choose to share with us may include the basic information available in your social media profile (including your email address, status updates and a list of your contacts). We’ll use this information to help provide you with the service you requested – for example, to forward a message you want to send to your contacts or to create a personalized user experience in the app itself or on our websites. It means that if you want us to we can tailor our services to suit your needs, connecting you and your friends with the best Trips and analyzing and enhancing our Trip-related services. Your social media provider will be able to tell you more about how they use and process your data whenever you connect with through them, for instance by combining personal data they collect when you use through them with the information they collect when you use other online platforms linked with your social media provider.
What security and retention procedures does put in place to safeguard your data?
  • We observe reasonable procedures to prevent unauthorized access to, and the misuse of, personal data.
  • We use appropriate business systems and procedures to protect and safeguard the personal data you give us. We also use security procedures and technical and physical restrictions for accessing and using the personal data on our servers. Only authorized personnel are permitted to access personal data in the course of their work.
  • We will retain your data for as long as we deem it necessary to enable you to use our services, to provide our services to you (including maintaining the online user account (if created)), to comply with applicable laws, resolve disputes with any parties and otherwise as necessary to allow us to conduct our business, including to detect and prevent fraud or other illegal activities. All personal data we retain will be subject to this Privacy Statement.
How does treat the personal data of children?

The services offered by are not directed at children under 16 years old. For children younger than 16 years old, the use of any of our services is only allowed with the valid consent of a parent or a guardian. In limited cases as part of a reservation, purchase of other Trip-related services, or in exceptional other circumstances (such as features addressed to families), may collect and use the information of children only as provided by the parent or guardian or with their consent. If we become aware that we process information of a child under 16 years old without the valid consent of a parent or guardian, we reserve the right to delete it

How can you check the personal data you have given to
  • We want you to be in control of how your data is used by us. You can do this in the following ways:
  • You can ask us for a copy of the personal data we hold about you.
  • You can inform us of any changes to your data, or you can ask us to correct any of the personal data we hold about you but, as explained below, you may be able to make such changes yourself.
  • in certain situations, you can ask us to erase, or block or restrict the processing of, the personal data we hold about you or object to ways in which we are using your data; and
  • in certain situations, you can also ask us to send the personal data you have given us to a third party.

Where we are using your data based on your consent, you are entitled to withdraw that consent at any time subject to applicable law. Moreover, where we process your data based on legitimate interest or the public interest, you have the right to object at any time to that use of your data subject to applicable law.

  • We rely on you to ensure that your data is complete, accurate, and current. Please do inform us promptly of any changes to or inaccuracies in your data by contacting us.
  • If you have an online user account, you can access a significant amount of your data through our website/apps. Our website/apps generally present you with the option to add, update or remove information we have about you.
  • If any personal data we have about you is not accessible through our website/apps, you can send us your request at no cost. For any of your requests regarding this Privacy Statement and to exercise any of your rights or if you have a complaint, please contact us by contacting us at may also contact your local data protection authority.
  • If you wish to object to the processing of your data based on legitimate interest and no opt-out mechanism is available to you directly, please contact us at
Who is responsible for the processing of personal data via and how to contact us?
  • com controls the processing of personal data as described in this Privacy Statement. is a private limited liability company, incorporated under the laws of the United Arab Emirates and has its offices at Office 10, 3rd floor Arkan Business Center, Al Garhoud Dubai.
  • If you have any questions about this Privacy Statement or about our processing of your data, please contact our data protection officer via and we’ll get it right back to you.
Cookie Statement

Whenever you use our online services, including our applications, cookies, and other tracking technologies can be used in various ways, such as making the website work, analyzing traffic, or for advertisement purposes. These technologies are either used by us directly or by our business partners, including third-party service providers and advertisers we work with. If

What is a cookie?

you want to learn more about what a cookie is, how they are used and what your choices are, please read more here.

  • A cookie is a small amount of data that is placed in the browser of your computer or on your mobile device. So-called “first party cookies” (not as much fun as they sound) are cookies that are served by the entity operating the domain through which the cookie is served.’s cookies are therefore “first party cookies”. In case we allow others to service cookies through the websites and apps, these cookies are so-called “third-party cookies”.
  • In addition, there is a difference between session Cookies and permanent Cookies. Session cookies will only exist until you close your browser. Permanent cookies have a longer lifespan and are not automatically deleted once you close your browser. We strive to serve Cookies or allow the serving of Cookies with a maximum lifespan of 5 years. Only in exceptional circumstances, such as for security purposes and where necessary, will a Cookie have a longer lifespan than that.
  • Next to cookies, other tracking technologies are used which are like cookies. These can include web beacons (also known as pixel tags, web bugs, or gifs), tracking URLs, or software development kits (SDKs). A web beacon is a tiny graphic image of just one pixel that can be delivered to your computer as part of a web page request, in an app, in an advertisement, or an HTML email message. Pixels can be used to retrieve information from your devices, such as your device type or operating system, IP address, and time of visit. They are also used to serve and read cookies in your browser. Tracking URLs are used to understand from which referring website the websites or apps are used. SDKs are small pieces of code included in apps, which function like cookies and web beacons.
  • All these technologies are together referred to in this Cookie Statement as “cookies”.
How are cookies used?
  • Cookies are used for different purposes. They allow you to be recognized as the same user across the pages of a website, between websites, or when you use an app. The types of information that we collect through Cookies include IP address; device ID; viewed pages; browser type; browsing information; operating system; internet service provider; timestamp; whether you have responded to an advertisement; the referring URL; and features used, or activities engaged in within the website/apps.
  • Our website and apps use cookies for different purposes:
  • Technical cookies: We try to give our visitors an advanced, user-friendly website and apps that adapt automatically to their needs and wishes. To achieve this, we use technical cookies to show you our website, to make them function correctly, to create your user account, to sign you in, and to manage your bookings. These technical cookies are necessary for our website to function properly.
  • Functional cookies: We also use functional cookies to remember your preferences and to help you to use our website and apps efficiently and effectively. If you are using the websites or apps to search for a Trip, for example, these cookies remember your preferred currency, language, your searches, and your previously viewed Trip Providers. We may also use cookies to remember your registration information so that you don’t have to retype your login credentials each time you visit our site. Passwords will, however, always be encrypted. These functional cookies are not strictly necessary for the functioning of our website or apps, but they add functionality and enhance your experience.
  • Analytics cookies: We use these cookies to gain insight into how our visitors use This means we can find out what works and what doesn’t, optimize and improve our websites or apps, understand the effectiveness of advertisements and communications, and ensure we continue to be interesting and relevant. The data we gather can include which web pages you have viewed, which referring/exit pages you have entered and left from, which platform type you have used, which emails you have opened and acted upon, and the date and time stamp information.
  • It also means we can use details about how you’ve interacted with the site, such as the number of clicks you make on a given page, your mouse movements and scrolling activity, the search words you use, and the text you enter into various fields. We make use of analytics cookies as part of our online advertising campaigns to learn how users interact with our website or apps after they have been shown an online advertisement. This may include advertisements on third-party websites. Analytics cookies may also be used to enable our business partners to learn if their customers make use of accommodation offers integrated into their websites.
  • Commercial cookies: We use third-party cookies as well as our own to display personalized advertisements on our websites and other websites. This is called “retargeting,” and it is based on browsing activities, such as the destinations you have been searching for, the accommodation you have viewed, and the prices you have been shown.
What are your choices?
  • To learn more about cookies and how to manage or delete them, simply visit Allaboutcookies.Org and the help section of your browser. In the settings for browsers such as Internet Explorer, Safari, Firefox, or Chrome, you can set which cookies to accept and which to reject. Where you find these settings depends on which browser you use. Use the “Help” function in your browser to locate the settings you need.
  • If you choose not to accept certain technical and/or functional cookies, you may not be able to use some functions on our website. We currently do not support “Do Not Track” browser settings. In case a common standard has been developed which defines what exactly is meant by “Do Not Track” browser signals, we will review this Cookie Statement again.
  • If you have any questions about this Cookie Statement, please send an email to Info@pinkyachts.Com.
  • Our Cookie Statement may also be amended from time to time. So visit this page regularly to keep abreast of updates.